A big trade was seen today in the country's leading tech company Wipro Limited. In this trade, 8.5 crore shares were sold in a block deal. This share is 1.62% of the company's equity. This trade was done through the block deal window, the effect of this block deal can be seen in the stock. According to the news of CNBC Awaaz, this block deal was done at Rs 560 / share. The value of this large trade was Rs 4,757 crore. This deal was done in the block deal window in Wipro.
Wipro Bonus Issue
Wipro emerged as the top gainer in the month of October last year. But the stock price of this IT giant has fallen sharply in the beginning of the month of November. Wipro's stock has declined by 4% on a weekly basis. Nevertheless, this stock is still one of the top performing IT stocks of 2024, with nearly 40% year-to-date double-digit gains. Wipro will remain in focus for its upcoming bonus issue, the record date of which is expected to be announced in due course. Stock Performance If we look at the performance of tech company Wipro's stock, it has given a return of 2.19 percent in 1 week, 6.92 percent in 1 month, about 16 percent in 3 months. Wipro has given a return of about 48 percent in 1 year. From January till now, the stock has given a return of 20 percent.